Seeking an office at Magic provides unique and invaluable benefits for our students and we hope you will support your student’s effort in bringing a campaign poster and speech in the coming weeks. Many of the Aptos Jr. and High School past and present student body officers were former Magic Apple students who learned about the value and satisfaction of being a student leader at an early age. Please be sure to review the list of offices below with your child to encourage participation (parents of younger children, don’t worry--our “upper graders” are truly inspirational role models and many primary students become motivated to seek office after initially watching the entire procedure).
Wed. Sept 1: President & VP Gr. 6, Jr. President & VP Gr. 5, Jr. Jr. President & VP G. 4, Presidential Council gr. 5+, School Attorney gr. 6, Spirit Leaders gr. 5+
Thurs. Sept 2: Sports Helpers, Bus Patrol Gr. 5+, Sergeant-at-Arms Gr. 5+, Poetry Club Helpers, Study Hall Helpers Gr. 5+
Friday Sept 3: Student Store Helpers Gr. 5 + (M-F students only), Science Leaders (must attend Wednesdays), Bell Helpers (rings bell for teachers)
Tuesday Sept 7: Art Helpers, School Mediators (conflict resolution specialists), Meditation Helpers (rings gong for meditation), Greenhouse Helpers
Wed. Sept 8: Classroom Decorators, Lego Helpers, Cooking Helpers, Drama Helpers, Video Game Helpers, Roller Racer Helper, School Nurse Helper
Friday Sept. 9: **Make-ups for illness and pre-approved absences only.
Students wishing to seek office on a day they do not normally attend may be brought by their parents at 3:00 (1:00 on Wednesday); call to arrange
Notes. Each student should have 3 positions in mind--this way they are guaranteed to win at least one office (students need only ONE “vote for . . . “ poster, however,and may reuse it when seeking different offices). All students will also need an age-appropriate speech (interest, experience, qualifications, etc.). Students are then asked questions by the voters and all candidates are always greeted with thunderous applause as everyone acknowledges and appreciates their effort!