We have TWO new notes posted on the 'Notes Home' section of this website. Please be sure to check them out as they are jam-packed with info about upcoming events and conference week (Oct 11-15th).
This month, we've decided to put the Magic Apple Spotlight on our courageous students who ran for office. Be sure to check out the 'In the Spotlight' page on our main Magic Apple website to see photos of our students with campaign posters in hand!
Seeking an office at Magic provides unique and invaluable benefits for our students and we hope you will support your student’s effort in bringing a campaign poster and speech in the coming weeks. Many of the Aptos Jr. and High School past and present student body officers were former Magic Apple students who learned about the value and satisfaction of being a student leader at an early age. Please be sure to review the list of offices below with your child to encourage participation (parents of younger children, don’t worry--our “upper graders” are truly inspirational role models and many primary students become motivated to seek office after initially watching the entire procedure). Wed. Sept 1: President & VP Gr. 6, Jr. President & VP Gr. 5, Jr. Jr. President & VP G. 4, Presidential Council gr. 5+, School Attorney gr. 6, Spirit Leaders gr. 5+ Thurs. Sept 2: Sports Helpers, Bus Patrol Gr. 5+, Sergeant-at-Arms Gr. 5+, Poetry Club Helpers, Study Hall Helpers Gr. 5+ Friday Sept 3: Student Store Helpers Gr. 5 + (M-F students only), Science Leaders (must attend Wednesdays), Bell Helpers (rings bell for teachers) Tuesday Sept 7: Art Helpers, School Mediators (conflict resolution specialists), Meditation Helpers (rings gong for meditation), Greenhouse Helpers Wed. Sept 8: Classroom Decorators, Lego Helpers, Cooking Helpers, Drama Helpers, Video Game Helpers, Roller Racer Helper, School Nurse Helper Friday Sept. 9: **Make-ups for illness and pre-approved absences only. Students wishing to seek office on a day they do not normally attend may be brought by their parents at 3:00 (1:00 on Wednesday); call to arrange Notes. Each student should have 3 positions in mind--this way they are guaranteed to win at least one office (students need only ONE “vote for . . . “ poster, however,and may reuse it when seeking different offices). All students will also need an age-appropriate speech (interest, experience, qualifications, etc.). Students are then asked questions by the voters and all candidates are always greeted with thunderous applause as everyone acknowledges and appreciates their effort! Hello and Welcome to the fall session of Magic Apple 2010! We are thrilled to have your student join us and as we had nearly 100% returning students we were only able to add 4 new students this year. We apologize for this late communication (computer decided to act up a bit) and will begin once again sending home our weekly notes describing our studies and important events/reminders at Magic Apple later this week. Please be sure to record our phone numbers:
Magic Apple 831-688-1753 Bus (& Fran's) cell 831-239-3156 Jan's cell 831-239-5537 (please note: Our cells do not work at the Trout Gulch location) The following is a summary of important first week reminders as your student(s)begins the fall session at Magic --please take the time to read carefully: 1) ABSENCES Always call if your student will not be in attendance for any reason--do not allow this important information to be given by another student or expect excuse (email is fine as well). As you might imagine neglect of this results in needless worry, time and energy in attempting to track down your student. For Rio students, absences also affects which bus we bring for pickup and you don't even want to know what it costs to fill up our buses (please try to tell us before we leave). 2) INFORM YOUR SCHOOL OF MAGIC APPLE ATTENDANCE: New and younger students especially please send a note to your student's teacher and the office reminding him/her that your student will be attending Magic Apple and listing the days of the week. Valencia students will need to get on the correct bus route to be dropped at Magic Apple and Rio students will gather at the cafeteria to walk as a group to the waiting Magic Apple bus (Clubhouse and Pinehurst). We also recommend that part time younger students have a place in their binder/backpack listing their Magic Apple days in case they forget or become confused. 3) RIO DEL MAR PICK UP BY MAGIC APPLE BUS: Parents of Rio students need to impress upon their child to get to the bus line in a timely manner--this is not the time to get a drink, chat with friends, etc. If a child will be delayed for an important reason tell them to tell another student so they can let Fran know to wait. Please also remind them that it is not easy to hold a full bus of students while we wait for 1-2 late students. We do not leave until the students who walk home have passed us so their is no reason for a student to be late. If a student walks to the corner late and alone and their is no Magic Apple bus they are to return to the office (we will review this with Rio students as well) and call their parents--we do not return for pick ups. 4) PICK UPS AT MAGIC APPLE: All parents may pick up their student at Magic Apple at anytime until 4:45. We ask that you do not arrive later than that as we are cleaning the classrooms and boarding the bus and it is a very hectic time. When entering Magic Apple pull SLOWLY through the paved driveway and park in the gravel parking lot--never block the driveway (be sure others picking up your student are aware of our rules as well)! 5) DAILY DEER PARK OPTION TO MEET PARENTS: We then drive to Deer Park and students wait on our bus between 5:15 and 5:30. Our bus is parked behind the Bank of America near the vineyards. PLEASE REMEMBER ALSO: --Parents must park in a proper parking space at Deer Park (we pay reinsurance to use the Deer Park location and they are very strict about this)! --Parents must walk over TO THE BUS and escort their child to the car. --Parents must say goodbye letting teachers know you have your student. --Please make sure that ANYONE picking up your student also knows these rules! 6) LATE PICK UPS AT DEER PARK: If you do not arrive by 5:30 we will bring your student back to Magic Apple as AN EMERGENCY SERVICE ONLY. Please have a back-up plan in place, very often we have plans immediately after school and late pick ups are stressful not just for us but for your child(ren) as well and may result in a $5 for every 10 minutes late fee--thanks for your help with this. 7) SCHOOL TUITION: Tuition is due on the first and late after the 10th. There is a $15 late fee and $15 returned check fee. If you need to pay later, please email your request or put a sticker on a post dated check. Please remember we are a very small school and very dependent on tuition to meet our obligations as well. 8) SNACKS AT MAGIC APPLE: Daily snacks should be sent with your student apart from their lunch. They arrive very hungry after school and even with our cooking lessons and apple orchards it is not enough. We do have a student run "snack shack" with bagels, ramen, fruit snacks and chips for purchase as well. 9) STUDY HALL AT MAGIC APPLE: As former public school teachers we feel parents have a vital responsibility to monitoring their students homework, however, as parents we were quickly made aware that it is difficult to get everything completed after dinner. We do offer a a study hall "jump start" period (4:00-4:45) daily for interested students. If you would prefer that your student be mandated to attend simply email or send a note with the days you want your student to be there and we will "track them down." 10) MAGIC APPLE SCHOOL CALENDAR: We will email you a calendar by next week for 2010/2011. During winter break in January and spring break parents may choose to enroll their student in our special full day camps (use of any hours between 7:30 and 5:30 p.m.). We will send information and registration a few weeks before any full day options. These camps are held at our sister school location, Apple Afterschool 221 Thunderbird Drive, 685-0629. 11) BIRTHDAYS: We have a 100+ year old bell that loudly proclaims each students birthday. All students line up and then the birthday child rings the bell once for each year and we sing with great enthusiasm and gusto. Afterwards the birthday child passes out a small treat (Halloween sized candy, lollipop, licorice, etc.--think small things that fit in a back pack) and everyone adores this optional tradition. 12) MAGIC APPLE IS A PRIVATE SCHOOL: not a daycare or recreation program. If you value our program (we have the same credentials as your child's teacher, Fran also has an MA, administrative and counseling credentials) so will your student. We work very hard to present exciting and enriching experiences to enhance your student's education and are thrilled to begin working with your student this fall! Once again, welcome to another great year! Fondly, Janice and Francisco (Jan and Fran) Jimenez Our additional summer session dates for Camp Apple are now August 9th- 20th.
It's not too late to enroll!! Call today! 831-688-1753 Parents are able through the end of the month to order pictures made from Crystal Clear Video. There are over 500 and they can choose from a variety of sizes at a very reasonable price! Here is the link - http://bit.ly/doHSPE
Miss Abby Watkins, second grade student at Magic Apple and charter member of the Magic Apple Poetry Society. has just been informed that her poem, Venus Flytrap will be published in Poetic Power and that she is now in the running for a cash prize as well!
MY VENUS FLYTRAP On the windowsill A bug flying by and . . .SNAP The Venus Flytrap Mr. Berkley Brannon, was nominated by Jan for the amazing Magic Apple Kids Care program he developed as part of his campaign for Magic Apple Jr. President. Berkley created a program that enabled his fellow Magic Apple students to make a difference in the lives of other children in our community (collecting stationary and back to school supplies for the children at Pajaro Valley Shelter, gathering gently used and outgrown sports equipment for the children participating in the Watsonville police departments PAL league that provides alternative to gang activity, to gathering bikes for the children of San Andreas migrant camp during the holidays to collecting stuffed animals for the children in family court). Berkley was selected as the store winner in our area from among many nominations and was presented a Kohl’s $50 cash card and certificate and is also in the running for a $1,000 cash prize at the regional level. Dear Magic Apple Family, The parents we’ve already heard from seem to all be in agreement—our students are talented, poised, and love performing—and our recent show was fantastic. Seeing your children up on stage dancing and singing with all their heart always reminds us of how especially privileged and grateful we are for the work we do and the families we serve. The Magic Apple Spirit was truly in full effect on Saturday--THANK YOU so much for contributing to the positive energy and love that was emanating throughout the theatre. Special thanks to the sixth grade parents who worked before and after the show to help with t-shirts, videos and snacks and the fifth grade parents who provided all the snacks and drinks to help us offset the many costs related to this performance. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! If you want to help support our only fund-raiser for this year and Magic Apple’s performing art’s program it’s not too late. You can still purchase a video of our wonderful show (please get your order in by this Friday, May 21st ). We also have a few of the wonderful t-shirts left as well. Again, special thanks to Morgan advertising, they did a great job with our brochures too! Please remember as a currently enrolled student you have a guaranteed spot in our fabulous summer camp, Western Town, only until May 26. As always, students attending 2 sessions of Magic and/or Apple are the only ones who will have guaranteed spaces in the fall (see enrollment policy info on magicappleschool.net. Please turn in our costumes that belong to Magic Apple by this week (it was too hectic to collect them at the show). Please share pictures if you have any too. Warmly, Jan & Fran |